How to Dress Right for Your Body Type | EP 97

Welcome to Episode 97 of the Fashion Crimes Podcast! We cannot believe we are almost to our 100th Episode – and just you wait until you hear who our Mystery Special Guest will be. 

You. Will. Die. 

But THIS WEEK, Holly is bringing us back to reality. Time for some real talk and fashion truth bombs, because NONE (zero, zilch, etc.) of her fashion advice is of any help unless you understand Fashion 101: 


– Holly Katz, your favorite personal stylist.

Does it seem like we are screaming right there? Well, we are. Holly has LITERALLY talked about proper fit and dressing for your body type for at least 96 episodes (and on her YouTube videos, and throughout her 20 YEARS as a personal stylist…).

So, if by chance you have missed this memo along the way, this episode is all about HOW TO DRESS RIGHT FOR YOUR BODY TYPE

First: Click over to Holly’s Pinterest to see her latest board to see examples of what she is discussing in this episode.

What are body types and why do we care? 

A body type means refers to your shape, based on the area you carry the majority of your weight. The goal and getting dressed is to look proportionate.

What does proportionate mean? It means that your top half should match your bottom half – or come very close to it. Some people are proportionate already. But please understand, trust, and believe most people are not!

You create the illusion of being proportionate with clothes. That’s what clothes are made for. That is why wearing clothes that actually fit your body is key. So again, and with extra meaning:

“Fit is key to unlocking your style potential. Once you have clothes that fit properly, your style only goes up from there.”

Fit is everything. Holly teaches fit first to her clients before anything else. “Fit Before Style.” 

You can wear clothes from the most inexpensive store on the planet and if they fit well, they look expensive. You can also wear clothes from the most expensive store, but if they don’t fit well, they look cheap. 

^ This is fashion universal law.

Four Body Types for Women: Defined by Your Bust, Waist and Hip

1.) Carrying the bulk of your weight on the top half of your body (big bust, wide back, little butt and hips).

What to Wear: 

  • One-shoulder tops, asymmetrical tops and hems, strapless tops, and dresses. 
  • Show off your shoulders or create a wider neckline
  • Column and sheath dresses can make your look taller
  • Always wear a heel for height if you can
  • Don’t camouflage the top half of your body or big boobs 

2.) Carrying most of your weight in the middle, aka, The Tummy. This is when your waist measurement is bigger than your bust or your hip measurement.

What to Wear: 

Style Tip: The biggest mistake people make with this kind of body type, is to try to hide your middle. Instead, define your waist. You do have one! Wearing loose and flowy tops over a big tummy just makes you look even bigger. 

3.) Carrying most of your weight in the bottom half of your body. Your hip measurement is actually bigger than your bust and your waist. Also known as “Little in the Middle, but I’ve Got Much Back.” 

What to Wear:

  • A structured blazer or a wild-printed top with a strong shoulder is going to give you the volume that you need to balance the bottom and make your waist look even smaller.
  • A-line dresses and skirts
  • Flared or wide-leg jeans. Stretch denim is your only option – and we mean – your ONLY option

Style Tip: Your legs will never look skinnier than when you wear a flared jean or pant.

4.) And finally, the no curve body type. Yes, that is a thing for women over 40, and yes it needs to be addressed. You have no butt, you have no boobs, you have no hips, you have no waist. 

What to Wear:

  • Create the illusion of curves with great-fitting clothing
  • Cinch a belt on a dress
  • Wear dresses with details like ruching, pin-tucking or some type of tie around the waist that will seriously help create those curves where they’re lacking.

Style Tip: Whatever you are wearing, do the “Sit-Down Test.” Low-waist jeans? Sit down at home first and see if your crack is out. Short or mini dress? Sit down at home first and make sure the crotch is not hanging out. JUSSAYIN.

And for this week’s final bit of best advice – as a reminder: 

Go Get Fitted for a Bra 

Regardless of what body type you have, you must, must, must get a bra fitting every two to three years. Do not guess at your size, and make sure you’re fitted by a professional.

This is the most important thing you can do for yourself regardless of how big or how small you are. This changes how you look in your clothes, regardless of your weight or your size.

–       If you are large and you want to look smaller, be fitted for a minimizer bra.

–       If you are really, really small, this does not give you an excuse not to wear a bra, or not to get fitted.

Bra Fashion Crime:

Do you want to know when you need to be wearing a sports bra?

When you are doing work around the house or doing sports or working out. That is the only time when a sports bra is acceptable. Okay? It’s called a SPORTS BRA for a reason because your ass is doing sports. The ultimate fashion crime? So glad you asked: Wearing a sports bra when you’re not doing sports,  trying to pass it off as a regular bra. Don’t. Do. It. 

Holly lays out very specific details about why a bra fitting matters, how a bra should fit you, and why which bra you wear matters.

Ok! That’s it for this week! You are now ready to shop for your body type, clean out the crap in your closet that doesn’t work for your body type, AND wear outfits that fit your body type perfectly – no matter what type it is.

“It’s not about hiding what you don’t like about your body, it’s about embracing it. If you get comfortable with what you’re uncomfortable with, then your style is going to start to evolve and your style blocks will start to recede.”


Listen now!

1 thought on “How to Dress Right for Your Body Type | EP 97”

  1. Hi, Holly!
    I’m a new listener. In this podcast and post, you recommend flare and wide leg jeans for pear shapes. My problem is that boot cut and flare (even “curvy fit”) jeans are too tight in the thighs down to my knees and make me look curvier/worse, and wide-legs make me look stumpy (I’m 5’4.25”). What do you suggest?

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