Five Fashion Items Men Can’t Live Without with E. Vincent Martinez of | EP 57

It’s New York Fashion Week, and we are busy tearing up the town. But – while we gather up FABULOUS FUCKING style inspo for an upcoming podcast – this week, we have a BIG ASS FASHION DEAL in the house. Help us welcome our VIP Special Guest, Mr. E. Vincent Martinez, creator of, Digital Media Anchor at The Art Institutes, and inventor of DOTC (Doggies on the Catwalk). 

We are not worthy!  Vincent has so many big-time fashion gigs that we can’t keep count. But, we do know that he knows the Fashion 411, so you need to listen up. 

He has been the curator of a fashion and lifestyle website called for the past 14 years, where he imparts his AMAZ-BALLS fashion insights to us lesser humans. 

He also has a philanthropic organization called DOTC, Doggies on the Catwalk, where he works to raise awareness and raise funds for pet-based causes and for art and fashion education. If you don’t think Holly is having doggie baby ideas, WAKE TF UP!

And if that isn’t enough, Vincent has been an educator for over 20 years and now has a fulfilling job as the host and anchor for the digital TV platform for the Art Institutes, which has eight campuses and one online campus, including Texas, Florida, Atlanta, and Virginia Beach. He. Is. Busy!

But he’s not too busy to talk to us….of course…From New York Fashion Week to his career, to Nolan’s love of Cronuts (omg, STOP IT) to finally, our favorite subject, 5 Fashion Items Men Can’t Live Without!

We aren’t going to give it all away here, but Vincent gives you the Holy Grail of #HowToNotLookLikeShit. If you are a man, you need to know these 5 things:

White Shirts

Black Shirts

Sexy Underwear

Slim-cut Jeans

Men’s Must-Have Shoes

So you think you want to know more? Well, you can listen to our podcast (DUH!) – or you can head over to Pinterest boards, where we have posted all of Vincent’s words of wisdom and pinned his favorites. 

Vincent is the REAL DEAL when it comes to fashion, and we are only happy to enlighten our listeners with this insider’s info.  

You are only gonna get it here!



DOTC (Doggies on the Catwalk):

5 Things Men Can’t Do Without:

Fashion Crimes Podcast Episode Pinterest Pins:

Listen now!

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