This week we are back to work in New York City, and we are killing it! Get the insider’s scoop on our lives as stylists – shopping for clients, shopping for ourselves, tracking down the latest fashion trends, and getting hype when we find killer deals or get free stuff.
Nolan has been a Lady-About-Town all week, pimping out Holly’s dog, Schmutz (our show mascot) for modeling gigs, shopping for clients, shopping for Holly, cashin’ checks, and snappin’ necks….I mean I’m just sayin. Because the life of a professional stylist is hard, people! And it requires drinks. Nolan has also been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster – trying NOT to jump into oncoming traffic, but enough about that…
Our Stylists Extraordinaire drag us all over town, recounting some of their most ridiculous shopping adventures – from Bergdorf’s with Schmutz, to Nolan’s fav-o-rite store Frame Clothing, to in-person VIP events at DVF and Alexander McQueen. Nolan even has a “Sex In the City-esque” moment with a dress! OMG OMG OMG.
The news from The City is that people are out and about, and they are WEARING CLOTHES! Nolan is like a kid in a candy shop walking around the Upper East Side, ogling outfits. Holly finds stuff she LOVES window-shopping, and Nolan is not always impressed with her choices, which, of course, he says out loud. Have you ever heard two stylists trash-talk? It’s subtle, but it is there, girlfriend!
Our two favorite stylists (and the only stylists you need to know) stumble upon the School of Visual Arts Student NYC x Design Windows Exhibition featuring shoes made of everyday items like Chinese food take-out containers, puzzle pieces and even bubble tea. Nolan was not impressed with the idea of shoes that might have held last night’s Lo Mein…NEXT. LEVEL. YALL.
Just so you know, some stores in NYC are still being plagued by shortages, so GET READY TO WAIT for items to arrive, and don’t be surprised to see empty shelves. Holly and her husband Jonathan head out to the Hamptons where they proceed to over-serve themselves in the shopping department. Holly has all sorts of excuses, but basically, the shopping out there is TO. DIE. Period. Although, Holly was tempted by a rubber chicken purse for a certain client (long story), and Nolan nearly had a heart attack on the spot.
Join us this week for an insider’s view of the highs, and certainly some lows, of shopping like pro stylists. It’s super glamorous until it’s not.
[00:12] Holly
“We are the best friends that you never knew that you needed. We are the industry insiders and fashions odd couple. In both of our everyday lives and industry events, we see the best and unfortunately the worst in clothing and style. We are fashion partners in crime dedicated to stopping the most heinous of all fashion crimes on the street and runways and beyond.”
[01:25] Holly
“Hello!! We are in New York City. We’re killing it. Nolan is killing it. Just wanted to give you an update on our latest adventures. I’ve been in town for 24 hours. Nolan has been taking care of Schmutz in New York, which has been amazing. They’ve had lots of adventures. He said nobody would leave them alone in Bergdorf’s. We’ve had a great time.”
[02:26] Holly
“I was shopping for my client, and then Nolan was shopping for me. It was a little awkward. But I was like, this is my stylist, but I’m a stylist, too. And I’m shopping for someone else. As Nolan says, it’s a very unhealthy codependent relationship. So drinking is involved.”
[04:14] Nolan
“So, we needed a dog. And I said, “Well, why don’t we use Schmutz?” And my boss was like, “Oh my God! Yes!” And so this morning I sent it in a picture of Schmutz. And when I looked at the call sheet when I got to the office, there was Schmutz’s picture! So it’s like, three supermodels and their names and their measurements and like all their stuff, and then Schmutz’s picture is underneath the models. I mean, is a little hilarious.”
[07:02] Nolan
“Yeah, so we were supposed to see the latest collection for Alexander McQueen last year. In fact, the night before, my friend and I were out, and we walked by the Alexander McQueen window and there was this incredible pale pink tulle, strapless ball gown with a corset. And I see my friend just staring up at it. She’s like, “That’s SO pretty!” And I was like, “Yeah, I know.” I said, “Why don’t you buy it?” “Because I have nowhere to go,” she said.”
[05:13] Nolan
“Oh my god, it was the first post-pandemic party. And, oh my god, it felt so good. It was like a fashion family reunion. Everyone was so happy that we were drinking a lot of champagne. You know, we were running around playing with the DVF dresses, and everyone was outside getting pictures taken. The Vogue photographers were there, everyone was there, it was great! It was a lot of fun!”
[08:15] Nolan
“So, a lot of the time, the events are for VIPs and such. They will bring in the latest collection to view. They couldn’t really stage the show because they’ve been on hold because of the pandemic. And now, it’s a way just to sort of get people to see the latest collection and designers have gotten really creative. But I love the fact that they’re bringing them to New York, you know, inviting certain people to come look at it and see it in person.”
[13:09] Nolan
“I mean, and you fell in love with like a turquoise sequin moment at the Ralph Lauren window
Holly: It was teal. And I don’t know why I loved this so much, because I’m not very conservative, but…
Nolan: It definitely would be a really good Mahjong outfit.” (Eye-roll.)
[15:46] Holly
“Well, me and Jonathan, we went to the Hamptons and we shopped like it was our job.”
[20:04] Nolan
“So I finally caved. And I bought black Gucci Jordaan loafers, and I used my Bloomingdale’s points. So it wasn’t like I actually spent any money on them, other than like, $100. It was great.”
[22:20] Holly
“What else do we have coming up, Nolie? We have an amazing, amazing list of beautiful, amazing, fabulous, “next level” guests that are going to be on our podcast. We are in New York for a couple of weeks. And Nolan is killing it. And he is building up his resume. And he is cashing checks and snapping necks. That’s what I like to saying. Tons of things going on the fashion industry. Join us next week!”
– New York City is alive and well! And people are ready to wear clothes, mingle and be out an about again. The energy is so refreshing!
– From the City to the Hamptons to wherever you are, it’s great to be shopping again! Everyone needs a little, or a lot, of retail therapy.
– Working as a professional stylist requires a lot of legwork. Don’t think you can be styled by a robot from one of those monthly fashion subscriptions. Do they really know if you are a booty girl? Or, that your size is not the same as a designer’s size? Don’t be an idiot.
Links Discussed here:
Alexander McQueen: https://www.instagram.com/alexandermcqueen/
“I was shopping for my client, while Nolan was shopping for me. It was a little awkward. But I was like, this is my stylist, but I’m a stylist, too. And I’m shopping for someone else. It’s a very unhealthy co-dependent relationship. Which requires drinking.” – Holly Katz
“Was there food? No! Which I thought was very reckless. How reckless of them to serve champagne with no bites. Because, if you get people hammered, and they just have to go home, that makes you a douche.” – Nolan Meader
“We were walking home, and we walked by the Alexander McQueen window and there was this incredible pale pink tulle, strapless ball gown with a corset. And I see my friend just staring up at it. She’s like, ‘That is so pretty!’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah, I know. Why don’t you buy it?!’ And she said, ‘Because I have nowhere to go.’ Pandemic stories.” – Nolan Meader
“Bergdorf’s. It’s our favorite place to go. I love Bergdorf, the dog loves Bergdorf. Everybody loves Bergdorf. It is my happy place.” – Nolan Meader
“Okay, let’s unpack that for moment, shall we? It’s just a couple of days before I get paid. I don’t have to eat tomorrow. Its all good.” – Nolan Meader
“Nolan is killing it. He is building up his resume this week. And he is cashing checks and snapping necks. That’s what I like to saying. Tons of things going on the fashion industry.” – Holly Katz